Soupy Spreadsheets



Résumé, summary

Every year our student council looks for a project to work on that will benefit the school in some way. This year we got the opportunity to take over the Campbell¹s label collection fund raiser. The council decided to use the points collected for computer software. They decided to make the collection into a contest among the classes. They needed a way to keep track of the many labels that would be coming in weekly. As one of the Student Council sponsors, I introduced them to the concept of spreadsheets to keep track of the labels. Every week, the students went to their group of classes, collected the labels, cut them to size, counted them, and bundled them up for shipping. They entered the data in the spreadsheet and when all the classes were counted, they printed out the spreadsheet for the school to see. When the contest was over, the winning class got an ice cream party and the student council spent the points accumulated for software for the school.

Discipline, subject :

mathématiques Mathematik mathematics matematica social studies études sociales

Public :

primaire Primarschule primary school primario

Contacts :

Adams, Lynda

2800 Alford Avenue

Tel : (502) 485 - 8203
Mail :
Fax : (502) 485 - 8743

Pédagogie, pedagogy :

The students collected Campbells¹ product labels and kept a record of the totals for each class on a spreadsheet.

Apprentissage, learning :

The students can learn the concept of using a basic spreadsheet. They collect labels and record the data by classes for the contest and publish the results.

Enseignement, teaching :

The teacher teaches the students how to set up a simple spreadsheet to show the needed information.

Technique :

We used ClarisWorks 2.1 but any software package that lets you create a spreadsheet will do. You also need a printer to print the results.

Société, society :

The students collect the data on a weekly basis from the same teachers. They are responsible for preparing the items according to the requirements, counting, and recording the totals as well as publishing the totals for the contest.

Culture :

The students can become familiar with setting goals and working toward those goals. The Campbell¹s Soup Company offers a program to all American schools whereby they can collect a certain number of labels to purchase technology equipment.

Institution :

Students met once a week, collected, cut, sorted, counted, and bundled up the labels for shipping, according to the contest rules, so we only needed one computer. The computer was on wheels so it could be moved to the library where there was room to spread the labels out and work with them.

Logistique :

To make this project meaningful,the students must be collecting something with a specific goal in mind.

Remarques, remarks :

Any type of collecting activity will work. We will use this same idea when we collect phone books for recycling next year.