World Link



Résumé, summary

Building a solid Internet staff development program is essential to integrate information access skills into the school curriculum. Creating a school or district model for teaching Internet skills requires instructional design, facility development, hands-on workshops, follow-up training, and evaluation. By taking these basic steps, you can begin to change the way information is presented to students and help prepare them to enter the 21st century. The World Link Project addresses these concepts and establishes a model for other educators to follow. There are three components: hands-on training, instruction manual, and monthly newsletter. Teams of educators from each school attend hands-on workshops for six hours of Internet training. Follow-up is provided by a help desk, users group, and more hands-on classes. The Internet instruction manual is user friendly with step-by-step instructions, while the monthly newsletter keeps users up-to-date on Internet sites, projects, and lesson plans.

Discipline, subject :

telematics télématique

Public :

primaire Primarschule primary school primario cycle d'orientation Sek I, BWK lower high school ciclo d'orientamento postobligatoire Weiterführende Schulen upper high school postobligatorio

Contacts :

Joseph, Linda

737 East Hudson Street

Tel : 614-365-5277
Mail :
Fax : 614-365-6763

Pédagogie, pedagogy :

n order to integrate Internet and information access skills into the curriculum, it is necessary to build capacity and develop an infrastructure for the training and support of teachers. A training model has been developed to address this need.

Apprentissage, learning :

Over 400 district staff have learned how to navigate the Internet (e-mail, gopher, and downloading information) with six hours of hands-on training.

Enseignement, teaching :

Teachers and their students are communicating and participating in projects with other classrooms from around the world. Teachers also access the Internet to find a variety of classroom resources that are current and student-oriented.

Technique :

Since there is no formal training facility, the project leader is able to schedule time in the Community Adult Education computer lab. Workshops are held each Monday and Friday mornings in this facility.

Société, society :

Students learn how to work in groups to process information. They are able to interact with their peers on a social and intellectual basis. This develops and reinforces problem-solving skills necessary as they prepare to enter the workforce.

Culture :

By communicating globally with others, students are learning to be good world citizens.

Institution :

We have placed a modem in each of our school library media centers to be used by teachers and students. This central building location allows access to everyone.

Logistique :

Since there is only one modem for telecommunications, teachers must prepare a schedule for student use.

Remarques, remarks :

Trailblazers, pathfinders, explorers are words that conjure up visions of individuals who venture into unknown territory and lead others to it. With the increased visibility of the "Information Superhighway," educators are clamoring for training on how to navigate and harness this vast resource.