Keyboard Skills



Résumé, summary

Much effective time is lost during the practice of information technology within the several subjects due to a lack of keyboard skills. As computers are used within many subjects, these subjects contribute to a series of typing classes. The school benefits most of the typing skills if pupils attain their skills in grade 1. Therefore, 25 typing classes are given to the pupils of grade 1 within the timetable in the first months of the school year, without having Typing as a subject. The framework is such that the computer leads the class and that each teacher is able to assist.

Discipline, subject :

allemand Deutsch German Tedesco français Französisch French Francese anglais Englisch English Inglese géographie Geografie geography geografia histoire Geschichte history storia mathématiques Mathematik mathematics matematica dessin technique Technisches Zeichnen technical drawing disegno tecnica english language french language german language arts graphiques Graphische Künste graphic arts arti grafiche

Public :

primaire Primarschule primary school primario

Contacts :

Schothans, Marinus

Bruggertstraat 60

Tel : 31 53 310103
Mail :
Fax : 31 53 301720

Pédagogie, pedagogy :

The computer has been so established at the Ichthus College that it was decided to offer first grade pupils typing classes. Pupils will benefit from these classes in order to use the keyboard smoothly during the classes for the subjects where computers are applied. The sooner a certain keyboard skillfulness is attained, the larger is the efficiency. Even if the use of the computer is not considered, keyboard skills are important for term papers, letters, etcetera.

Apprentissage, learning :

In a short time pupils learn to type very well during the regular classes. Since the 90-91 course, the Ichthus College has the disposal of a large number of licences for the typing program Typesoft. This is an instructional computer program. Step by step the exercises to be typed are increased in their level of difficulty, they are tuned to the Dutch language, varied, and include a direct, stimulating feedback to the pupils. It is obvious that pupils can type faster with this touch system than with two or four fingers. Each licence makes use of a master flop and a(n) (unlimited) number of floppies for pupils. Consequently, many classes may use these licences at the same time. Each pupil has his own floppy on which progress, mistakes and tempo are recorded.

Enseignement, teaching :

The typing classes are given within the periods of several subjects. The teacher of such a subject accompanies the pupils in the computer lab to get them started and to keep order. The first introductory typing class lasts 50 minutes, during the following typing classes the pupils are to work intensively on the typing course for 25 minutes. After 25 minutes of typing, the teacher has an opportunity to focus on his own subject in the theoretical part, e.g. testing and giving home work.

Technique :

16 ATs 20 MB HD 286 Olivetti 1 FDD 3_" EGA colour 14" 640 KB. 15 XTs Philips P3102 2 FDD 5_" Green 12" 514 KB. Program: TYPESOFT, PO Box 81, 6980 AB DOESBURG.

Société, society :

Culture :

Institution :

The Ichthus College is a broad comprehensive school with 4 locations in Enschede and Hengelo including 17 first grades for (i)vbo ((individualized) pre-vocational education), beroepsmavo (pre-vocational lower secondary education), mavo (lower secondary education), havo (higher secondary education), atheneum, gymnasium (pre-university education). Because no classes in typing skills have been included in the curriculum, the following construction has been chosen for. The sections below give room to the following number of classes on a yearly basis: Dutch 4 French 3 English 3 Geography 2 History 2 Mathematics 3 Home Economics-Health Care 2 Study Skills Instruction 4 Drawing 1 Crafts 1

Logistique :

The 25 classes are given in a period of approximately 7 weeks. The number of three to four classes per week increases performance. Some supervision is required though. Usually the classroom warden is present in the background, however, he is not to take over the classes of the teachers. Each teacher, familiar with computers or not, has to cooperate.

Remarques, remarks :

In the experimental phase typing classes of 50 minutes were given. These classes turned out to take too much time: concentration waned. Therefore typing classes of 25 minutes were chosen for.