This page is totally dead and has not been maintained in the last few years. Check our EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES Library instead. [ DKS April 1998 ]

Under Permanent Construction

I need help

The ( previous) page, Educational Technology is under construction since 1993. Compared to the general interest in Educational Technology, it is still tiny. We also are aware that spelling and grammar needs to be corrected.

There is no real policy associated with this page, except to be useful for the people in the field. So, please give us pointers for things to index. (specially WWW pages, but also gophers, anon ftp's, etc). Your information will be included as best as we can.

We plan to use every suggestion, except education specific (and not Educational technology) related items. Those can be found in other pages. We are willing to put up interesting pointers in the education sub-page if I find time. Note that for the last years (1995-97) we did not. Remember, that the goal of this page is not to cover "education" as a whole, but the subjects of interest for people working in/with educational technologies.

Please e-mail to: (mailto:).

Major Changes

  1. Sometimes in 1993: Birth of the idea, got a simple flat list.
  2. Feb 1994: First announcement of this page, added structure to the page, and a survey form for getting feedback.
  3. March 23/24 1994: Candidate for inclusion in the WWW Virtual Library, sent mail to some index maintainers. Major re-shuffling of the structure, but I still don't like it...I also changed the name of the page from "Educational Technologies & Learning" to "Educational Technology" to avoid confusion. The idea behind the first name was just that cognitive aspects are important for us.
  4. March 25 1994: The page has become part of the WWW VL as as specialized field within the education section.
  5. March 30 1994: Discovered MU*'s....There is some potential in it, more so when we will get better clients (e.g. multi-windowed separating help, gophers, http? interfaces from the rest). [Jan 96: this page has become the sole relatively complete index in this volume].
  6. End of March 1994: Agreed participating in the organization of a WWW Workshop on Education. Hopefully the "WWW" part in the list will grow after the workshop.
  7. End of April 1994: Does this make sense? I start getting the feeling that everything should be ported into a database and that the page should be replaced by a form allowing to enter queries. Or should we just give out instructions on how to index stuff on Ali-Web ?
  8. September 1994: Well I am back and will try to bring this list up to date. The "data base" project has been stalled for the moment. A few things (like forms) don't work for the moment. We just "upgraded" our machines to Solaris.... I will take some time to fix everything that went broke. We should be back for real by mid-October ..... sorry.
  9. January 1995: Since we seem to unable to come with the necessary resources to make a really good VL, I decided to reorganize at least the VL a bit and to split it up into smaller sub-pages in the process.
  10. January 1996: Those who don't think greatly about those pages are absolutely right. In the last 6 month we just couldn't "make it" anymore. But there is light: Starting this spring we finally get funding for creating a Swiss WWW resource server for education research. A small, but sufficient part of that money will be diverted into making this WWW-VL page decent. Note that since Fall 1995 we expected this help "any day now", one of the reason why maintenance was even worse than usual lately.
  11. Fall 1997: Sandrine Tognotti has taken over :)
  12. May 1997: The above was wrong mostly, plans below also. But now finally we did something new. Check out our new EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES library.

Future plans

This is how the page is described (for now) in the Ali index:
Template-Type:  DOCUMENT
Title:		Educational Technology
URI:		/info-edu-comp.html
Description:    A Home Page for Educational Technologies
		Contains collected information (mainly WWW pages) on
		Education, CBT, AI, Learning, Distance Teaching, CAI, CAL,
		ITS, Student Modeling, courseware, multimedia, etc.
                This page will be maintained (although at irregular intervals).
                A survey form for suggesting new pointers is available.
Keywords:       Education, CBT, AI, Learning, Distance Teaching, CAI,
                CAL, ITS, Student Modelling, courseware, multimedia
Others could do the same. The tricky thing would be just to define a list of standardized keywords and to have people using it.....

Tecfa Home Page - Sandrine Tognotti