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Prochains évènements pour enseignants en sciences 28 Apr 2024

Gerald Feldman présentera la pédagogie SCALE-UP le 29 avril à l'unige

on MON 29/4 prof. Gerald Feldman (George Washington University, see *below) will visit our research group.
he will give a talk at the physics colloquium at 12:30 (see attachment), then in the afternoon be ready to discuss
the projects from everybody who likes to do so. please consider to present your project (or questions),
in an informal way, and to gather input from this well-renowned physics educator.


Lundi 29 avril 2024, 12h30 École de Physique, Auditoire Stueckelberg


Prof. Gerald Feldman  George Washington University, USA


« Establishing a Collaborative Student-Centered Learning  Environment using the SCALE-UP Pedagogy »


The time-honored conventional lecture ("teaching by telling") has been shown to be an ineffective mode of instruction for science classes. To enhance critical thinking skills and develop problem-solving abilities, collaborative group-learning environments have proven to be far more effective. In the SCALE-UP pedagogical approach, students sit at round tables in groups of three, where they carry out a variety of pencil/paper exercises ("ponderables") using small whiteboards and perform hands-on activities such as demos and labs ("tangibles") during class. Formal lecture is reduced to a minimum and the instructor serves more as a "coach" to facilitate the academic exercises that the students perform.


I will present an overview of the SCALE-UP concept and describe its implementation at George Washington University over the past 16 years. I will also discuss empirical data collected from assessments given to the SCALE-UP collaborative classes and the regular lecture... cliquer ici pour lire la suite.

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